Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Orazhio Story part 2

Persahabatan itu sebuah hubungan yang spesial, bersahabat membuat kita belajar bagaimana cara menghargai, bagaimana cara saling memberi. Setiap individu pasti menginginkan seorang sahabat. Well, pembahasan kita terus berputar-putar pada apa yang di maksud dengan sahabat. di post yang terakhir, sudah ada yang memberi masukan tentang sebuah persahabatan..

and what is a friendship??

Friendship it's not the thing you can buy,
Friendship is not how much you spend
What most important is the way you treat me as a friends...

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway
Friendship needs no words
No man is useless while he has a friend.
The language of friendship is not words but meanings.
A friend is a present you give yourself.

so are now you know what is a friendship??
my personal opinion :
Friends is a flower from the garden,
it's colourfull, it's like a rainbow after rain,
you can find more friends in one day,
but the real friends is only be by yourside,
Please be my friends..

Now, I will introduce people like what is in orazhio,
This is only a picture, we're just trying to be friendly ... n_n

and this is our big family orazhio

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